Computer service is given by two service managers.
Please contact the system administration team via the following email address for all requests regarding the system and support:
We will make every effort to handle your requests efficiently; an initial response will be send within a day.
Service managers
Dr. Ester Livshits | | 02-6585270 | Aronberg 123 |
Dr. Hadassah Elgavi Sinai | | 02-6585270 | Aronberg 123 |
From the outset, we want to state that our priority is to help you, our researchers, produce groundbreaking scientific research in theoretical chemistry, physics, and materials science. This goal will be achieved by ensuring that our computer systems, networks, and software work reliably and efficiently. While a significant part of our work involves direct service to you, the users, please note that most of our work is invisible to you. This includes routine checkups, upgrades, updates, and centralized hardware component purchases and repairs. We also ensure that AC, power, and communications are continuously working.
Thus, as requests keep flowing in, we must prioritize them.
We would like to share with you the prioritization guidelines for the task types mentioned above:
- Keeping the FH - system online, as this impacts the entire center.
- Assistance to users in tasks which must be performed by an admin (opening a new user account, installations on clusters, etc.)
- Assistance with tasks users can perform themselves but may be expedited with our help
- General guidance and advice (research or on running applications)
Below we list a few common services the system administration team offers to the center's users and the procedures for obtaining them:
- Opening new user accounts: use the above stated email address to coordinate a meeting with us (cc the relevant PI on the email, so we can identify the resources you need).
- Requests for installing applications on desktop workstations and servers
- General help/guidance, for example: the Slurm workload manager, compilations on the servers and running computational chemistry applications
- Purchases of desktops/workstations and screens, software apps, etc.
- Problems encountered with the servers/clusters
As always, for any other request, you are welcome to set an appointment with us - also by Zoom/ Google Meet.