Organizers: Assaf Zemel (HU), Eran Perlson (TAU)
Monday, May 28 2018, Los Angeles Auditorium, Fritz-Haber Center for Molecular
Dynamics, Givaat Ram Campus, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Fritz – Haber Center for Molecular Dynamics,
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 28, 2018
Welcome and Introduction
Peter Baas (Drexel University, USA)
"New advances on the mechanisms by which molecular motor proteins organize
neuronal microtubules"
10:15-10:45 Maximilian Jakobs (Cambridge University, UK)
"A dynactin gradient stabilises and orients axonal microtubules"
10:45-11:15 Mike Fainzilber (WIS)
"RNA localization in neuronal growth control "
11:15-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-12:00 Leah Gheber (BGU)
"The diverse functions of kinein-5 nano-motors"
12:00-12:30 Eran Perlson (TAU)
"ALS as a mislocalization disease"
12:30-13:15 Light Lunch
13:15-13:45 Kristian Franze (Cambridge University, UK)
"The regulation of neuronal growth by mechanical signals"
13:45-14:15 Shelly Tzlil (Technion)
"Mechanosensing in the sensory nervous system"
14:15-14:45 Uri Nevo (TAU)
"Is there a mechanical side to neuronal function?
14:45-15:00 Coffee Break15:00-15:30 Matan Mussel (TU-Dortmund, Germany )
" It sounds like an action potential: on acoustic pulses in lipid interfaces"
15:30-16:00 Assaf Zemel (HU)
"Mechanical regulation of neuron polarization and growth – A computational