Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Dynamics of Water

16 May, 2021

Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Dynamics of Water

Noam Agmon, Chemistry Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).

Water is the most prevalent molecule on Earth, considered essential for life, but its hydrogen bonding leads to many peculiar anomalies, making its study challenging. Gas-phase cluster studies have been initiated with the aim of improving understanding of the liquid phase through such fundamental moieties, but this has not yet materialized due to very different temperature ranges and deficiencies in interaction potentials. The present project will use the most accurate, many-body water potential energy functions to build a bridge between water studies in the gas and liquid states. For further background see:

N. R. Samala and N. Agmon. Thermally induced hydrogen-bond rearrangements in small water clusters and the persistent water tetramer. ACS Omega, 4: 22581-22590, 2019. DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b03326

Suitable candidates should have received a Ph.D. degree in physical/theoretical chemistry or molecular physics within the last 3 years, possess hands-on experience in molecular dynamics simulations, and programming knowledge e.g., in Fortran/C++ and Python. Speaking/writing capabilities in English are required.

The suitable candidate will receive a fellowship at the Hebrew University, extendable up to three years. Commencement date: immediate, pending travel/VISA arrangements.

Applications should include:

  1. Copy of official academic degree certificates in English (Bachelors, Masters, PhD).
  2. Curriculum Vitae detailing experience in scientific programming and molecular simulations
  3. List of publications
  4. An abstract of the doctoral dissertation.
  5. Three recommendation letters.

The material should be emailed to: Prof. Noam Agmon Institute of Chemistry, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Givat-Ram Campus) agmon AT

Note: Israel is the first COVID-free country.