A symposium celebrating Gerard Meijer's Degree of Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa

12 June, 2022
A symposium celebrating Gerard Meijer's Degree of Doctor Philosophiae Honoris Causa
Los Angeles Auditorium, Edmond J. Safra Campus, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Sunday, June12, 2022
Hour Speaker Title
Chair: Avinoam Ben-Shaul
14:00 Roi Baer Opening words and congratulations
14:10 Edvardas Narevicius (Weizman Inst) Final state tomography of Feshbach resonances
14:45 Ronnie Kosloff (Hebrew University) Controlling the laser cooling processes of molecules
15:20 Coffee  
Chair: Leeor Kronik
15:40 Tamar Stein (Hebrew University) Squeezing Water Clusters within Anthracene Dimers
16:15 Daniel Strasser (Hebrew University) New experiments for studying ion interactions
16:50 Coffee  
Chair: Helen Eisenberg
17:10 Eberhard K. U. Gross (Hebrew University) On the mass of atoms in molecules and the inertia of electrons beyond the Born-Oppenheimer approximation
17:45 Eli Kolodney (Technion) Velocity correlated clusters emission in keV ion-surface impact and diagnostics of extreme thermal spike conditions
18:20 Gerard Meijer (Fritz Haber Institute, Germany) Closing words