Edward W Schlag, the first chair of the Beirat of the Fritz Haber Center, has died at the age of 88 21 October, 2020
Non-Hermitian Quantum mechanics 24 September, 2020A site on non-Hermitian quantum Mechanics: Contains lins to papers, books and lectures. (by Beirat member Professor Nimrod Moiseyev (Technion)):
Mazal tov to our alumnus, Dr. Amikam Levy, for his appointment as a senior lecturer in Bar Ilan University 15 September, 2020
Mazal tov to our alumnus, Dr. Barak Hirshberg, for His Appointment as a Senior Lecturer in Tel Aviv University 10 July, 2020
Our alumni Dr. Vojtech Vlcek (today Assistant Professor at UCSB) was selected as an Emerging Leader in 2019 by the Editorial Board of Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 1 May, 2020For details: https://iopscience.iop.org/journal/0953-8984/page/EmergingLeaders2019
A paper from Daniel Harries' group was showcased in Science magazine 30 November, 2019 In a piece called Spoonful of sugar for your coffee Michael A. Funk of Science magazine showcased the paper by Daniel Harries' group:
Gerard Meijer Recieves an Honorary Doctorate from The Hebrew University 28 November, 2019We congratulate our chair and friend Professor Gerard Meijer for recieving the Honorary Doctorate from The Hebrew University