Gerard Meijer
1985 Diploma Physics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1988 PhD Physics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1992 University Lecturer, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
1995 Professor in experimental physics, University of Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2000 Director, FOM-Institute for Plasmaphysics, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
2003 Director, Fritz-Haber-Institute (FHI) of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany
2012 President of the Executive Board, Radboud University Nijmegen, The Netherlands
2017 Director, Fritz-Haber-Institute (FHI) of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany

Contact Information
Fritz-Haber-Institut der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft
Faradayweg 4-6, D-14195 Berlin
Director, Fritz-Haber-Institute (FHI) of the Max-Planck-Society, Berlin, Germany