Modeling Nonadiabatic Dynamics in Nanoscale Solar Energy Materials Alexey Akimov, Dept. of Chemistry, University at Buffalo, NY, USA 4 PM via Zoom:
The Fritz Haber Symposium is held as part of the Bienial Beirat meeting. The symposium exhbits the scietific activities of the Center. It includes a series of short talks and several poster sessions.
Bridging Length and Timescales in Reactive Biomolecular Systems David Furman, Dept. of Chemistry, University of Cambridge Click here for the ZOOM presentation
Atomic Partial Charges in Molecules — Towards A Guide For The Perplexed Jan Martin, Dept. of Organic Chemistry, The Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovoth 2 PM via Zoom Click here for the ZOOM presentation
We are delighted to congratulate our friend and colleague Igor Schapiro for his promotion to Associate Professor with tenure at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
We wish Igor continued future success with his amazing scientific discovery, learning, and teaching!
We are honored and excited to announce that Professor Dr. Frank Neese of the Max-Planck-Institut für Kohlenforschung at Mülheim an der Ruhr has agreed to join our Beirat.
Neese is a world leader in developing new theories and rigorous methodologies for quantum chemistry and applying them to study molecular spectroscopy and unravel complex reaction mechanisms involving catalysis by transition metals.
The medal was awarded to Benny's fundamental contributions to studying the structure and dynamics of polyatomic molecular systems and deciphering atmospheric reactions mechanisms.
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