Fritz Haber Seminar: Stefan T. Bromley, University of Barcelona, Spain 27 May, 2021 Nanoscale Silicate Stardust: Astrochemical Relevance and Observational Signatures Stefan T. Bromley, Institute of Theoretical and Computational Chemistry, University of Barcelona, Spain Abstract
Fritz Haber Seminar: Clemence Corminboeuf, EPFL, Switzerland 20 May, 2021 Encoding quantum-chemical knowledge into machine-learning models Clemence Corminboeuf, EPFL, Switzerland Abstract
Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Dynamics of Water 16 May, 2021 Post-Doctoral Fellowship in Molecular Dynamics of Water Noam Agmon, Chemistry Department, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem (Israel).
Fritz Haber Seminar: Nicola Colonna, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland 13 May, 2021 Spectral properties of molecules and solids from Koopmans-compliant functionals Nicola Colonna, Paul Scherrer Institut, Switzerland Abstract
Unmasked - Open Quantum Systems in the Golan 9 May, 2021 Unmasked - Open Quantum Systems in the Golan
Fritz Haber Seminar: Oded Hod, Tel Aviv University 6 May, 2021 The Fascinating Frictional Properties of Layered Materials Oded Hod, School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University Abstract
Fritz Haber Seminar: Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of Luxembourg 22 April, 2021 On Electrons and Machine Learning Force Fields Alexandre Tkatchenko, University of Luxembourg Abstract
Fritz Haber Seminar: Attila G. Császár, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University 8 April, 2021 Graph theory and the rovibrational energies of molecules Attila G. Császár, Institute of Chemistry, ELTE Eötvös Loránd University, Budapest Hungary Abstract
Fritz Haber Seminar: Masha Niv, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 25 March, 2021 The taste of molecules: on bitterness, match-making and drugs Masha Niv, The Institute of Biochemistry, Food Science and Nutrition and The Fritz Haber Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Fritz Haber Seminar: Shlomi Reuveni, Tel Aviv University 18 March, 2021 Restart: The Science of Starting Anew Shlomi Reuveni, The School of Chemistry, Tel Aviv University Abstract